BIOPAC's advanced life science research systems can collect and analyze ECG, EDA (GSR), EEG, EMG, eye tracking and over hundreds of other biometric sensing signals and data.
BIOPAC has been used in numerous publications, including ours:
Roy, Devjeet, Sarah Fakhoury, and Venera Arnaoudova. "VITALSE: visualizing eye tracking and biometric data." 2020 IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceedings (ICSE-Companion). IEEE, 2020.
Zhang, Wei, Shawn E. Fagan, and Yu Gao. "Respiratory sinus arrhythmia activity predicts internalizing and externalizing behaviors in non-referred boys." Frontiers in Psychology 8 (2017): 1496.
Zhang, Wei, and Yu Gao. "Interactive effects of social adversity and respiratory sinus arrhythmia activity on reactive and proactive aggression." Psychophysiology 52.10 (2015): 1343-1350.
Gao, Yu, and Wei Zhang. "Reward processing and psychopathic traits in children." Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment 12.4 (2021): 339.
Fagan, Shawn E., Wei Zhang, and Yu Gao. "Social adversity and antisocial behavior: mediating effects of autonomic nervous system activity." Journal of abnormal child psychology 45.8 (2017): 1553-1564.
EEGLAP and ERPLAB are free and open-source Matlab toolboxes for processing and analyzing continuous EEG and ERP data (Event-related potential).
EEGLAB website: ERPLAB website:
EEGLAB and ERPLAB have been referenced in many papers, including ours:
Gao, Yu, Zhang, Wei. et al. "P3 amplitude and psychopathic traits in youths: Distinct contributions of the grandiose-manipulative and daring-impulsivity traits." Personality and Individual Differences 120 (2018): 87-94.
Delorme, Arnaud, and Scott Makeig. "EEGLAB: an open source toolbox for analysis of single-trial EEG dynamics including independent component analysis." Journal of neuroscience methods 134.1 (2004): 9-21.
Kubios HRV
Device-independent Kubios HRV software supports many widely used heart rate monitors, electrocardiograms (ECG), and PPG monitors.
Fagan, Shawn E., Wei Zhang, and Yu Gao. "Social adversity and antisocial behavior: mediating effects of autonomic nervous system activity." Journal of abnormal child psychology 45.8 (2017): 1553-1564.
Pupil Labs
Pupil Lab provides both an open source software platform and a wearable eye monitoring device. Pupil Core hardware and software may be customized to meet specific research requirements. There are also eye tracking add-ons for the most recent VR/AR consumer devices.
Juvrud, Joshua, et al. "The immersive virtual reality lab: possibilities for remote experimental manipulations of autonomic activity on a large scale." Frontiers in neuroscience 12 (2018): 305
Dinh, Christopher, et al. "Exercise Induced Sympathetic Nervous System Activation and its Influence on Memory and Comprehension." (2019).
Emotive offers 14-channel mobile devices (e.g., Emotive Epoch) and software for monitoring EEG brain activity at a low cost. It’s great for consumer research.
Ghodake, Anupama A., and S. D. Shelke. "Brain controlled home automation system." 2016 10th international conference on intelligent systems and control (ISCO). IEEE, 2016.
Kim, Yongwon, and Sungho Jo. "Wearable hybrid brain-computer interface for daily life application." The 3rd International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface. IEEE, 2015.
Hierarchical linear and nonlinear models (also known as multilevel models, and HLM) have been developed to examine relationships at every level of the hierarchy in a single study. These models do not disregard variability at any level of the hierarchy.
HLM may be carried out using the HLM program:
Some of the HLM publications listed below are well worth reading for anyone interested in the subject.
Woltman, Heather, et al. "An introduction to hierarchical linear modeling." Tutorials in quantitative methods for psychology 8.1 (2012): 52-69.
Watamura, Sarah E., et al. "Developmental changes in baseline cortisol activity in early childhood: Relations with napping and effortful control." Developmental Psychobiology: The Journal of the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology 45.3 (2004): 125-133.
Nomura, Yoko, Wei Zhang, and Yasmin L. Hurd. "Stress in pregnancy: Clinical and adaptive behavior of offspring following Superstorm Sandy." Development and Psychopathology (2021): 1-11.
Mplus enables us to conduct a wide variety of analyses using latent variable modeling (such as exploratory factor analysis, structural equation modeling, item response theory analysis, growth model, time series analysis, mixture modeling, longitudinal modeling, Bayesian analysis, Monte Carlo simulation)
You may get more information about this program by visiting their website:
A few of the publications listed below that make use of Mplus
Byrne, Barbara M. Structural equation modeling with Mplus: Basic concepts, applications, and programming. routledge, 2013.
Pears, Katherine C., Hyoun K. Kim, and Philip A. Fisher. "Psychosocial and cognitive functioning of children with specific profiles of maltreatment." Child abuse & neglect 32.10 (2008): 958-971.
AMOS and EQS, which are EXTENDED multivariate modeling software programs with a common user interface.
Gao, Yu, and Wei Zhang. "Confirmatory factor analyses of self-and parent-report inventory of callous-unemotional traits in 8-to 10-year-olds." Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment 38.3 (2016): 331-340.
Gao, Yu, Wei Zhang, and Annis Lai Chu Fung. "The associations between parenting styles and proactive and reactive aggression in Hong Kong children and adolescents." International journal of psychology 50.6 (2015): 463-471.
Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA)
Using Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA), you may quickly and easily perform a meta-analysis of a large number of studies.
Publications listed below are well worth reading for anyone interested in the subject.
Borenstein, M., Hedges, L., Higgins, J., Rothstein, H. (2009) Introduction to Meta-Analysis. Wiley.
Dana, K., et al. "Prenatal exposure to famine and risk for development of psychopathology in adulthood: a meta-analysis." Journal of psychiatry and psychiatric disorders 3.5 (2019): 227. doi: 10.26502/jppd.2572-519X0077.
I reasoned that making materials accessible online would make it easier to keep them for myself and share them with the scientific community.