Dr. W. Zhang is a professor of psychology and a researcher. She earned her PhD from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, where she researched the biological and environmental factors linked with psychopathy and antisocial behavior. She worked as a postdoctoral researcher on a study sponsored by the National Institute of Health that examined the impact of Hurricane Sandy on pregnant women's stress and child development. W. is knowledgeable with biometric sensing technologies such as ECG, EDA/GSR, EEG, EMG, and eye tracking, as well as neuroimaging, neuroendocrine, and genetic research techniques for studying the human mind and behavior. She has a great track record of submitting grant applications and producing high-impact journal papers. In addition to doing research, W. teaches extensively on statistics, experimental design, cognition, and perception. She is currently working on a variety of initiatives, including sentiment analysis of Twitter posts on COVID-19, physical fitness and mental heath, as well as virtual reality and psychotherapy.